Cathy- my good friend and mentor

Created by ryanna65 11 years ago
I met Cathy in 1999 at Bible school (WIBI, St Catharines, ON) and instantly we connected. Cathy had such an admirable passion for God and for people and had a heart for revival and missions. She later became my supervisor while I worked for a short time at the Messianic Times. Cathy made sure that we always started the day with prayer and devotions to God and those were powerful times. She loved to read the challenging and convicting messages from men of God like David Wilkerson. Sometimes she drove me crazy in her eagerness to meet the man of God that she was waiting for, but it was definetely worth the wait! I couldn't imagine someone more suited for Cathy. A man of God that had a passion for missions, just like her. It was so nice to see her so in love with Mike. We stayed in touch while she was in Turkey. She called me (from Turkey) when i was going through a very difficult time in my life and she was one that i considered a mentor-she would always give me sound spiritual advice and would speak prophetically to encourage me. I will miss her so very much. I am confident she will have a rich reward in heaven and will hear the words "Well done, my good and faithful servant" from her Lord. It is obvious that she has impacted hundreds of people for Christ. She lived a life fully surrendered to the Lord. Her last words to me on March 7 on a facebook message was that God is fully in control. I wish I could have seen her one last time but I know that we will meet again in glory. As i worship God, i am envious that she is in the very presence of God himself, beholding His beauty. I know she would want nothing more than for us to pursue God with all of our heart, to RISE UP and raise the bar! Let's do this in honor of her and to bless our Lord and Redeemer! Let us not forget that life is short and that today is the day of salvation!
